Hey, I’m Jenn!

I am the creator of the Female1st brand, which embodies what is means to be a Stronger Female First. A stronger female that is rooted in effective training strategies, foundational lifestyle practices, and integrative health practices that support, balance, and nourish women specifically. As women our bodies are unique, complex, and very powerful when supported and nurtured properly. It’s time for a program that embodies all aspects of what it means to be a stronger female in training. Welcome to Female1st.

A Little About Me,…

I cannot remember a time when fitness wasn’t a part of my life. Growing up I was always involved in some sort of organized sport, it became a huge part of my identity, my passions, and a major influence in studying Exercise Science in college. Originally, I was studying Physical Therapy and consistently getting injured as a collegiate athlete, I became so frustrated because there was no solid solution that focused on injury prevention or specifically targeting the female body for strength + conditioning. I was broken, frustrated, in pain, and had no good answers. That’s when I switched majors, my focus became prevention of injury vs only recovery/rehab, I was able to get a degree and teach others what I loved to do the most, functional movement and help prevent them from my athletic experience.

I had the pleasure of working with a wide variety of athletes from professional to retired, those recovering from an injury, surgery, or metabolic disfunction as well as those athletes wanting a foundation of functional strength without worry about acute or career ending injuries. What did they all have in common, a desire to perform at their best physical function possible without worry and have fun doing it!

My career took another turn when I started seeing my clients struggling with fatigue, muscle and joint pain, sleep issues, weight gain, bloat, migraines, symptoms that would pop up acutely from time to time then chronically over time. Their training and nutrition were no longer holding the results they acquired without any known reason, they were doing everything in their power and control. I myself started struggling with these same “symptoms” at different stages of my life. Health, sleep, energy, focus, cravings all became more of subject discussed in sessions vs fun gossip or PRs we were hitting!

I started really struggling with all these unexplained symptoms as well which started affecting my body physically, mentally, and emotionally. For years I was passed off by doctors, after running test after test with no explanation. “Everything looks normal, you’re good” year after year after year. So, so frustrating.

It wasn’t until I was repeatedly unsuccessful getting pregnant with my last child for over 2yrs (#3) in 2016 that I realized it was time to seek more holistic doctors. I was living overseas at the time and was introduced to a whole new field of medicine that focused on rebalancing and healing, getting to the root cause of WHY my body is struggling so much. Using integrative holistic forms of medicine, in-depth functional medicine lab testing, healing modalities, and detox. After following this approach, I was successful able to conceive my son, JackJack. This experience offered me a new perspective and hope for finally healing after decades of pain and struggle.

After learning how to heal myself, I worked these practices into my coaching, with my own family, friends, and clients I watched as their struggles also turned into their successes! In 2020, after deciding this is what I was called to do I became an Internationally Certified Integrative Health Practitioner. I can now combine my expertise in Exercise Science, Nutrition, and Strength + Conditioning with Integrative practices getting to the root cause of WHY the body is imbalanced and struggling with debilitating symptoms.

We cannot depend on conventional medicine alone, we cannot hope that the FDA and USDA are doing all they can to keep the food on our table clean, safe, and nutritious. We need to be our own health detectives, be aware of our environment, and recognize with the right support our bodies have the ability to eliminate toxins, and balance hormones to not only HEAL but to THRIVE. Not solely be serviced and cared for with pills and generic diagnostics. We are so much more than our symptoms and pain, it doesn’t have to define us or sentence us for life of pain and misery, we can HEAL and we can THRIVE at any stage of our life.
